Q: How can I be referred to the Provis?

A: Provis Infusion Clinic accepts patients for infusion services only by referral
from physicians. You can ask your doctor to refer you for treatment at Provis.
Upon receipt of the medical referral form from your doctor, Provis will contact
you about further steps including cost of treatment, insurance support needs
and commencement of treatment. You cannot book your treatment at Provis Infusion
Clinic directly.

Q: Will all patients referred to Provis be treated?

A: Each referral is individually reviewed at Provis Infusion Clinic Inc. If there
are concerns about the medical suitability of treatment, Provis Infusion Clinic
will contact your doctor directly. Provis Infusion Clinic Inc. reserves the
right to withhold any treatment.

Q: Which medications are offered at Provis?

A: Provis Infusion Clinic Inc. does not administer drugs that are available in
the public system for those specific indications. As certain medications are
funded by the public system for a limited number of indications only, Provis
Infusion Clinic Inc. will give patients access to the non-funded indications
of those drugs. The formulary of Provis Infusion Clinic Inc. will change with
indications and new clinical results becoming available, as well as changes
in funding by the public system.

The medications currently available at Provis are:

Q: What kind of medical supervision is provided at Provis Infusion Clinic?

A.:  A physician is present at all times during patient
treatment sessions at Provis Infusion Clinic. Our clinical procedures and standards
are supervised by a team of dedicated specialists in oncology and infusion therapy.
Medications are administered by registered specialized nurses, experienced in
chemotherapy and infusion therapy. Our nursing and technology staff has an average
of ten years in-hospital specialty experience. Emergency procedures and 911 protocol
are established.

Q: How much will the treatments cost?

A: The cost of your treatment includes the cost of the medication and the
administration cost (i.e. cost related to chemotherapy infusion). After you
have been referred to Provis Infusion Clinic Inc. we will provide you with a
quotation clearly outlining drug and administration costs as they relate to
your circumstance. Payment must be must be made in full prior to each treatment.

Q: How is the treatment paid for?

A: Drugs administered in the Provis Infusion Clinic are not covered by public funding
or OHIP. Total drug and infusion fees are paid by the patient to Provis Infusion
Clinic before commencement of a treatment. In some cases, the patient’s third
party insurers may cover all or part of the treatment cost and will reimburse
the patient directly. Provis is committed to making this element as stress free
as possible. We can assist with reimbursement services to help patients find
the best solution for their particular situation.

Q:Is there insurance coverage for all medications given at the Provis Clinic?

A: In some cases the patient’s third party insurers may cover all or part of the
treatment cost and will reimburse the patient directly. Insurance coverage for
medications and treatment provided at Provis Infusion Clinic cannot be guaranteed.
Your insurer may require additional documentation from your referring physician.
In that case it is important that your doctor provides the requested information
to your insurer in order to optimize your opportunity for a successful claim.
The Provis Infusion Clinic administrator can assist with any reimbursement issues. 

At present, roughly 70% of the patients being treated at Provis have some sort of  insurance coverage

Q:Do you have information on reimbursement for the cost of medications?

A: Yes. Click this link for helpful information about reimbursement for the cost of medications used at the Provis Clinic.

Q: Where is a Provis Infusion Clinic located?

A: Location 01: 123 Edward Street, Suite 1515, Toronto, Ontario, Canada,
M5G 1E2

Please refer to map and directions

Q: Who is my primary physician?

A: Your referring physician will remain your primary physician. Provis
Infusion Clinic Inc. is responsible for your care during the time you are at
our clinic. Our experienced medical team will deal with any issues that may
arise during your treatment. After your treatment at

Provis Infusion Clinic, your follow-up care will be by your referring
physician. Should your medical situation change suddenly, you should contact
your primary physician or go to an emergency department just as you would normally
do when you receive other types oftreatment.

Q: How will my primary physician know if my  treatment was received?

A: After each treatment we will fax a written record of the treatment you received
on that particular day. In addition, we will provide your doctor with a summary
of treatments received when your last cycle at Provis Infusion Clinic is completed,
or in case of termination of treatment. If your treatment is not given on a
particular day, we will advise your physician to keep him/her fully informed.
Complete communication between the Provis Infusion Clinic and the physician
and patient is important and maintained

Q: Does Provis Infusion Clinic provide second opinions or consultation services?

A: No. Provis Infusion Clinic offers a service for specialists and their patients
to provide access to therapies not currently funded under the public system.
We deliver therapies recommended by your attending physician. Provis Infusion
Clinic Inc. reserves the right to withhold any treatment

Q: What else should I know before receiving treatment at Provis Infusion Clinic?

A: Additional Information for Patients




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